This 200 page Hardcover Tabletop Book is filled with images taken at or near freshwater wetlands in New England. The majority of photographs come as the result of many images to the Quincy Bog Natural Area in Rumney, NH.


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This 200+ page book will take you on a Photographic Journey of life in and around the bogs and fens of New England, following the four seasons of the year. The enclosed images are primarily from the Quincy Bog in Rumney, NH but are representative of any of these treasured wetland areas found throughout New England. Each image has been curated from several years of photographing the creatures, plants, fungi, and weather phenomenon within and near these wetland environments. The accompanying captions help stitch the story together and will hold the readers'  interest no matter their age.

Your purchase will help support the conservation efforts of the Pemi-Baker Land Trust.

50% of the author’s profits will be donated to support the Quincy Bog Natural Area in Rumney NH.  

Order soon as only A Limited Number of copies have been printed.